Full Services

We love cameras! We offer a wicked range of photographic services in Auckland and Wellington. Camera repairs, cleaning, scanning and printing services.

Digital Camera Sensor Cleans
We offer an in-house service cleaning digital camera sensors. This can be an older DSLR or the latest Mirrorless Camera, please note we do not clean Point & Shoot digital cameras. For more information pop in-store or email here.

Camera Repairs (inclu Rubber/Foam Light Seal Replacement)
We may be able to help. We work with a couple of camera techs that are pretty amazing. The main issue is that a lot of these cameras are getting pretty old and finding replacement parts are near impossible. Pop in with your camera and we'll take a look. If you're out of town, drop us an email and we'll help.

Printing Services

What better way to celebrate a photo that actually having it printed.

Check out our Full printing services here.