Splendid #SPL400 (135, 24exp, 400ISO) w/develop and scanning
In an effort to keep analogue photography affordable, we present #SPL400.
This re-branded roll of Kodak Ultramax includes Develop and Scanning, simply bring the roll back to one of the Splendid Photo stores and we'll take care of the rest for you! Or just courier it in with your email address and we'll take care of it.
- Film is a roll of Kodak Ultramax 400ISO 24exposure.
- Film includes Social Res Scans with 1 week turnaround.
- You can 'upgrade' to quicker services or higher res scans, just pay the difference.
More info on the film:
Kodak's GC/UltraMax 400 is a high-speed daylight-balanced color negative film offering a wide exposure latitude for greater versatility, as well as a fine grain structure with consistent and accurate colors. Optimized skin tone reproduction makes this film suitable for portraiture while a vibrant overall color palette benefits general and outdoor photography. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 400/27ø and is well-suited to both scanning and enlarging applications.
- Daylight-Balanced Color Negative Film 400ISO in C-41 Process
- Rich Saturation, Optimized Skin Tones
- Fine Grain, Wide Exposure Latitude
- Ideal for Scanning and Enlarging