Blog / My Splendid Camera

  • My Splendid Camera - Duncan Manning (Polaroid SX70)

    My Splendid Camera - Duncan Manning (Polaroid SX70)

    Duncan works in our Lab processing all of your lovely films! He also shoots a ton of Film and he especially loves Polaroid and instant photography. His favourite camera is his Polaroid SX70

    "The SX-70 is my favourite camera because it is the best designed camera of all time (don’t @ me). No other camera can slip into your back pocket and create the classic square frame instant memory like an SX-70. It is a marvel of engineering to this day. I haven’t created my most shared photographs with this camera, but I have created the photographs that mean the most to me with this camera. There is something special about instant film. It is one of the only mediums that the final print was physically in the exact location you captured the photo. It’s a full darkroom in a print!"

    Follow Duncan's Instagram here:

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  • My Splendid Camera - Matt Evans

    My Splendid Camera - Matt Evans

    Matt Evans loves film, the weirder the better and he also loves cameras, the weirder the better. We asked what his favourite camera is and he chose the mighty Holga!

    I’ve got a nice collection of mostly 35mm compacts / rangefinders and found it tough trying to pick out a favourite camera for this. I genuinely thought it would be something compact, but there is one camera I always find myself gravitating back to again and again. Not for its technical prowess, feature set or its image quality. More so for its lack of these things, its whimsy, its sheer ability to bring joy in its simplicity. Shooting with a Holga you realise it's not just a tool for creating images but a great conversation starter, often with complete strangers who mistake it for a child's toy and want to know more. Even though it’s clearly not the most advanced camera with random light leaks and a less than impressive lens, when you pair it with some appropriate speed film for the situation I am always blown away with the results. In my opinion everyone should shoot with one at least once!

    Follow Matt's Instagram here:


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