October 01, 2024

(analogue) Photog of the Month (October '24) Jen Corish

(analogue) Photog of the Month (October '24) Jen Corish

Name: Jen Corish
Instagram handle: @jencorish
Other Social Media: @alpineimagecompany
Website: alpineimageco.co.nz

How did you get into film photography?
Like plenty of other millennials, I’ve shot film since the good old late 90s. I’ve got boxes and boxes of photos of nights out, road trips and questionable 18 year old ‘art’. I never developed my own though unfortunately - that joy was left to the poor folk who worked in the local chemist. It was a start though, and for me the excitement of getting those scans back is still exactly the same. Thankfully what I shoot has gotten more intentional since those early days!  

Do you shoot much digital in your personal photography process?
No. I shoot everything for myself on film. I like that it keeps what I do for myself feel unique from my work life (which is mainly digital). Recently I’ve been thinking that perhaps I shouldn’t be quite so militant about it though, so who knows what the next year will bring!

What is your favourite thing to photograph?
Okay, I know it’s extremely cliched, but ultimately the scans that bring me the most joy are the ones of my kids, although I can assure you they don’t feel the same way when they see the camera. Second to that, it’s the oceans, wide opens spaces, the feel of a place. 

Are you able to tell us a bit about your photography practise?
I feel like a bit of a fraud here! Despite 15 years in the industry I still really don’t feel like a ‘photographer’. I love knowing that what I shoot is a moment in time that will be remembered and hopefully treasured. I appreciate it when things look visually beautifully, but more often than not for me photography is about giving people memories, and that includes my family. I honestly don’t see myself as someone who sees the best angle of who is particularly artistic. I wish I was! 

What inspired you to get into Portrait photography?
I fell into it somewhat… I’d come to New Zealand after a Canadian winter to teach snowboarding and score myself another visa to get back to Canada. While working in a local restaurant I met an amazing local photographer and I started working for her and her husband’s business, Alpine Image Co. They shot a lot of weddings, and that was my entry into the professional photography world!

What drives you to mix analogue photography with Wedding photography?
I love it when couples appreciate the imperfections and nostalgic feel of film. I think it adds a timeless quality and I’m always happy to shoot a few rolls on a wedding day. I like mixing up mediums and giving couples something a little different to the full digital collection. It keeps me on my toes too, and I enjoy that! 

You are able to find some gorgeous landscapes to photograph, what is the perfect equation to make sure the shot comes out?
Oh don’t worry… there are plenty of shots that don’t come out! I’m lucky to live in Wanaka, somewhere with an abundance of magnificent landscapes. Funnily enough though, most of my film photography tends to be shot around the ocean. That’s where life slows down a bit; I’m out of ‘work mode’ and feel like I’ve got the head space to get my film cameras out.

Quick fire ten questions

  1. 35mm or 120? 120
  2. Colour or B&W? Oooosh… both. Sorry!
  3. Zoom Lenses or Fixed? Fixed
  4. Portrait or Landscape (Orientation)? Portrait (but judging from the shots I selected it should be landscape!)
  5. Flash or Natural Light? Natural
  6. SLR (or TLR) or Rangefinder or Point and Shoot? SLR
  7. Must be razor sharp or more about the aesthetic? Aesthetic all the way
  8. Favourite Camera?  Mamiya 645
  9. Favourite Photographer? This changes weekly! At the moment I keep being drawn to Rachel Larsen Weaver’s images.  
  10. Favourite Photo Book? Need to work on this! For a big book lover, to my shame I don’t own many photography books (my non-photographer husband owns more!). My ideal photography book would be 1960s california skate scene - think soft colours and that 60s/70s vibe. It’s got to be out there somewhere!

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