August 02, 2021

My Splendid Camera by Jess Wawatai (Leica M6TTL)

My Splendid Camera by Jess Wawatai (Leica M6TTL)

Jess has been a friend of the shop since she moved back from overseas and her photos are a joy to scan, plus they're pretty bad ass to look at too.

Name: Jess Wawatai
Instagram: @jesswawatai

My favourite camera is 
Make: Leica
Model: M6 TTL

Well I feel more than a little basic when I say the M6 is my favorite camera if I’m honest. There is a huge fanboy culture around anything Leica, and with the price point on these things it feels like there is a lot about it that is just hype. But the driver for me is quite simply that it’s a camera that I always want to reach for, when I look at it it makes me want to take photos and the work flow with it just suits the way I like to work. it’s unobtrusive, small, well built and there is just something super sexy about Leica design. I also love the images I can make with it which is ultimately the most important thing. And I love that it just feels like an extension of my body; as I see it  cameras are tools for making art, and the more natural the tool feels the less it gets in the way of making great pictures.

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